In book news over the weekend...
Warner Brothers is reaching out to Christopher Nolan to direct the studio's upcoming adaptation of Ready Player One. This sci-fi adventure film has been a huge literary hit, so having a heavyweight like Nolan directing would be sure to make this a box office success.
Amid rumors over the weekend that Zoe Sugg, aka Zoella, did not write Girl Online, Penguin Random House has confirmed that the bestseller was ghostwritten.
J.K. Rowling is promising 12 Days of Harry Potter on her site, Pottermore. Beginning on Friday, December 12th, the site will feature "brand new writing by J.K. Rowling and even a new potion or two," according to the newsletter. The Telegraph is reporting that one of these stories will feature Harry Potters nemesis, Draco Malfoy.
Cary Fukunaga, the director of the hit HBO series True Detective, has been confirmed as on board the new production of Stephen King's It, expected out 2015. Producer Dan Lin (Sherlock Holmes, Terminator) says the book was too big for one movie, so the plan is to split it into two separate films. Lin says they've also gotten King's blessing on the script, saying he told Fukunaga "Go with God, please! This is the version the studio should make." With that kind of endorsement, I'm excited!
A Kansas District Court has ruled that the original case files and field notes from the quadruple murder made famous in Truman Capote's In Cold Blood are to be released. The case files, kept by the investigating detective, are now in the hands of his son, Ronald Nye, and will be published in a book co-authored by Gary McAvoy. Nye says the case files contain discrepancies that cast doubt on the accuracy of Capote's original story.